
Edmond Busquets

I am an illustrator specializing in editorial illustration, and I work on themes aimed at a young and adult audience. My illustration style moves away from realism to seek an original and authentic style, in which I try to recreate scenes in which the viewer spends a long time observing, and can become immersed in the atmosphere that I want to convey. The main themes I deal with are two: on the one hand, book illustration. In this type of illustration I add elements that the narrator does not explain in detail; or I try to find original images that move away from a literal representation of what is described to give a new perspective. That is why I consider that illustration is also an effort of intelligence, since it is necessary to offer a type of art that goes beyond a "complementary image". The other theme of my illustrations is historical illustration. In my case, it is not about realistic images of what the past was like in a certain context, but rather images that represent the past but with my own pictorial style. Likewise, I do a lot of research when recreating these images, as I like to be meticulous with the details.

